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Floatation Therapy



Every person is wonderfully unique and because of this, so is their floating practice.




Physically, floatation therapy is experiencing a feeling of weightlessness, laying effortlessly on top of a shallow pool (30cm) of warm water (35.5°C) saturated with half a tonne of epsom salt. The environment is peacefully dark and quiet, with the intention of reducing input to your senses.
The body releases any muscular tension, our parasympathetic nervous system (rest state) is activated, stress hormones and blood pressure reduce and spines gently decompress.




​The human brain processes the equivalent of 11 million bits of information per second. ​In our daily lives the brain is constantly processing sensory input, and so when in an environment of sensory reduction, the brain gets a chance to press pause on all of those processes, providing an amazing opportunity for the brain to rest and restore, in what is effectively an intervention for the entire nervous system.


Each float experience has a profound potential for personal growth and wellness. To answer what truly happens to your mind when you step into that beautifully silky salt water, turn down your senses, leave gravity behind and honestly tune into what is going on within you is indescribably personal to you.
Paired with simple breathing techniques you can reach the same deeply meditative states in one session that experienced meditators can spend years to attain.  With practice you can guide your sessions, gain deep personal insights, play with your most creative ideas, learn to lucid dream or simply just rest.

What we can guarantee is that upon emerging, you’ll feel both tranquil and revitalised, ready to step back into the world with a lighter and brighter body and mind.

so, what is floatation therapy?

What is floatation ther

How can floating help me?



We believe floating is for everyone. Every day, in our modern world our minds and bodies navigate constant sensory input and information.  Floating removes all that, bringing you to a state of deep relaxation that words can't fully capture. It gives your nervous system the rest it truly needs. Below is a selection of benefits most commonly reported from individual floatation experiences & ongoing research studies.


Reduces Stress &

Prevents Burnout

Pain Relief

Improved Sleep

Research has shown that just an hour in a

float tank significantly reduces stress.

It lowers blood pressure, decreases the

stress hormone cortisol, and calms the

overactive amygdala—the part of the brain

responsible for stress and anxiety.

Plus, by activating your parasympathetic

nervous system, floatation therapy moves

your mind and body into a deep

state of rest and relaxation, the exact

opposite of the fight or flight response.

Floatation therapy alleviates pain

by reducing pressure on joints

and muscles through buoyancy.

The decrease in sensory input

promotes the release of endorphins,

the body's natural painkillers. 

Particularly beneficial for sufferers 

of back pain, arthritis and


The profound relaxation of floating

erases tiredness, leaving you genuinely

revitalised. A single float session can feel

as restorative as a full night's sleep,

while also enhancing routine sleep quality,

providing relief from insomnia and

helping to reset the body's

internal clock after travel.

Helps Anxiety,

& Depression

Performance &



A decrease in feelings of anxiety and

depression are often reported as the

main benefits from floating in research

along with increased feelings of serenity,

happiness and over-all wellbeing.

The floating environment

 reduces exposure to stressors and anxiety

triggers and offers a unique break from

the constant influx of external stimuli

that an anxious mind and a

hypervigilant nervous system has

become sensitive to over time.

Floatation therapy accelerates

injury recovery, increases energy

levels and provides an ideal space for

visualization & mental preparation.

It boosts the immune

 system, reduces lactic acid levels, 

facilitates rest, and decreases

fatigue; ensuring thorough

recuperation to achieve

peak performance.

Floating provides significant relief

from the physical strains of pregnancy

thanks to the water's buoyancy.

It's an excellent preparation space to practice hypno-birthing and visualisation techniques.

The setting offers real rest for both you

and your baby and provides a unique opportunity to form a deeper connection

in a peaceful and supportive environment.

Creates Calm &


Improves Immunity

& Supports healing

Self discovery


Floatation therapy is proven to 

induce feelings of serenity, happiness

and deep relaxation. 

With regular floating, the mind is able to

achieve Theta and Delta States (Attained when dreaming, during childhood imagination or by experienced meditators).

This makes floating the perfect

setting to reach calm, deep relaxation and 

deepen your meditation practice. 

Floatation therapy lowers

blood pressure and the stress

hormone cortisol. These physiological

benefits reduce stress, promote

relaxation, eases muscle tension

and improve circulation,

ultimately enhancing

immune function and supporting

overall health. 


The float tank is ideal for self-reflection, providing a space for you to reconnect with yourself and what truly matters to you.

Free from distractions and in total

comfort, attention turns inward where personal insight is available.
The tank becomes a guiding force for life, encouraging values based actions, illuminating the direction you want to take your life and supporting you to get there.

Break Habits

Improved cognitive


Unleash Creativity &

Have fun

Floatation therapy provides a unique

environment for reprogramming

unwanted behaviours, habits and

overcoming addictions. By promoting deep

relaxation and reducing stress floating can 

weaken the grip of habitual behaviours

and addictions. By enhancing  mindfulness

and self-awareness, you are more aware to 

facilitate change and gain self-control.

Regular sessions enhance this process,

supporting lasting changes.

Get ready from endless possibilities

and adventure. Discover new

dimensions in a dream like state,

embrace the unknown and have fun!

Floatation therapy is known to boost

creativity by minimising sensory

input and external distractions,

allowing the mind to enter

a deeply relaxed state. This state

enhances mental clarity and

promotes free-thinking, enabling

the brain to form new connections and

generate creative ideas more easily.

Float therapy can enhance

mental sharpness, boosting focus,

concentration, and clarity. Many

users have experienced clearer thinking,

improved decision-making, and

increased productivity after sessions,

making it an excellent tool for

optimising cognitive functions.

How Can Floating Help Me?
Stress, Pain and Sleep
Anxiety, Depressiona and Pregnancy
Calm, Immunity and reflection
Habits, Fun, Creativity

What to expect

Firstly, if you are feeling a little nervous then that is completely normal. We are here to offer calm reassurance free from judgement, familiarise you with the space, answer any questions you may have and ultimately put you at ease before stepping into the pod.

We know it can be easier said than done, but we invite you to leave expectations at the door and trust in what happens when you allow your mind to be curious about this experience. 


Here the main things we are asked about Floatation Therapy; 


What will it feel like? 


When you first enter the floatation tank, your body will take a few minutes to adjust to the weightlessness. If you suffer from back/joint pain your attention may be drawn to these areas initially, this will soon dissolve. The water is very buoyant so you will float on the surface effortlessly, it is also heated to skin temperature (35.5°C) to match your skin temperature. 


How big are the floatation tanks? 


Lots of people worry that the float tank might be too small, and that they will feel claustrophobic, but the tanks are actually larger than they appear in the pictures. Our pods are 2.4m L x 1.35m W x 1.2m H (think just smaller than a double bed) which provides you plenty of room to lay back, even if you're over 6ft.


Will I feel Claustrophobic? 


You are in complete control of your environment throughout the entire experience. You can keep the float lid open if you want to and there is light switch inside the tank that you can turn on or off. Research suggests that most people who experience feelings of Claustrophobia are more than likely scared of not being in control or being unable to move from where they are, we can assure you that throughout your float you are very safe and fully in control and can exit the tank by yourself at any point. 




What To Expect
How To Float

how to float

How To Float (5).png

Need to know before you float

We have prepared a video that explains everything you need to know about preparing for your float. We will send this via email before your appointment. It is important you watch this before you come and float with us for the first time, otherwise you will have to watch it when you arrive and this could take time off your float. Please also make yourself familiar with our terms and conditions of booking. 


It is important to remember the following to make sure you can have the best possible float experience 


  • Remember to bring your own towel, members have access to free towel hire. Don't worry if you forget your towel you can use one of ours for £3.00. 

  • For your comfort, we recommended not shaving for at least 48hours before, this is because the high levels of salt content can cause stinging. Similarly, allow 3-4 weeks after any new piercings or tattoos.

  • You wont be able to float if you have recently dyed your hair or have used any topical tan products this is explained in our booking email and will incur a charge if dye is found in the tanks.  

  • Please don't float under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 

  • Please don't float if you have any open wounds, we provide Vaseline in the centre for small cuts.

  • We hope you understand that any costs incurred to us to refill the tanks the customer is liable. 

Need to know

Our post float rest space

There is no need to rush to leave when you finish your float, take your time to ground yourself and slowly engage with the world. We have specially designed our post-float 'Rest Space', to further extend your relaxation after your float where our complimentary tea bar and mindful garden are yours to explore. 


This inviting sanctuary provides the perfect setting to extend your relaxation journey beyond the floatation pod, ensuring a truly rejuvenating experience from start to finish.


As a member, you'll have exclusive access to additional amenities at no extra cost including rejuvenating services like leg presso-therapy. Plus, enjoy the convenience of complimentary towel hire for added comfort.

Our Post Float Rest Space

meet the pods

At Rest Space we have 2,  i-sense floatation tanks, designed to elevate your sensory experience to new heights of relaxation and rest. Immerse yourself in a state-of-the-art tank meticulously crafted to provide the ultimate floating experience, offering unparalleled comfort and tranquility. Here's what sets i-sense floatation tanks apart:


  • Advanced Filtration System: Our tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art filtration technology where the water passes through a 1 micron filter (one hundred times smaller than hair) several times between every float session, the water is then blasted with UV light (the same process as bottled water) to maintain pristine water quality before your session. 


  • Soundproofing: The outer shell of the tank is crafted with the highest quality fibre glass to create a soundproof environment. We have also soundproofed each of our float rooms to enhance your floatation experience. 


  • Designed for your comfort and experience:  For your comfort both our pods have colour changing led lighting which you can turn on or off inside the tank, speakers to play calming music to welcome in the beginning and end of your sessions as well as a contact button for you to notify the reception desk should you need us. ​​


  • Spacious Interior: Enjoy ample room to stretch out and unwind, with generous dimensions ensuring a feeling of freedom and weightlessness.​​​​

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 12.27.11.png
Our Pods


We hope we have left no questions unanswered. As more and more people discover floating it also comes with more and more questions. We always enjoy answering any questions you may have and if you cant find the answer to what you are looking for in our FAQ please contact us via email, chat box or instagram and we will be more than happy to help! 



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